Woidboyz | Vize Ugly Dance World Champions 2009
23 August 2010 in News, Nominees 2009 with 0 commentsWho are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
1) Uli Nutz, a.k.a Bavarian Babarian
2) Tom Hack, der Schwulplattende
3) Andi Weindl, Gstanzeltanzel
4) Basti Kellermeier, Mitglied bei Spackro Berlin
Where are you from?
Why are you gonna be the world champions?
We learned to dance at the Spackingham Palace
We have absolutely no sense of shame
Our bodies are old and morbid
Which artist primarily influenced you on your long career till becoming a world class ugly dancer?
David Hasselhoff, D!, Peter Steiner, Heidi und der Ziegenpeter and
most of all our allstar hero Florian Silbereisen (German Schlager god)
How would you describe your style and what’s your signature move?
Bavarian Babarian
A mixture of Sauerkraut and Dunkelbiersoße (a bavarian sauce)
Wurstkette und Sauerkrautstampfer (no translation possible, it’s too ugly)
What have you ever wished to tell us and the world?
We say ugly! You say…Hans (englisch ausgesprochen)
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