I'm in love with Falko from the Ugly Dance Team of Excellence. How to connect?
A: Who isn't? Feel free to send love letters to falko@uglydanceworldcup.com.
You can propose to the other members as well. Just place bjoern, christian or
flo in front of @uglydanceworldcup.com to communicate with the sweet boys.
What is Ugly Dancing?
A: Honestly, we have no idea. Everything is possible. Just ruin it. But one
thing is certain: it's not about bad dance; we don't search for people who are
unable to dance. In fact it's about great ugly moves and spectacular
anti-styles. Use your creativity!
Do I have to edit/cut my application video? ?
A: Not at all. It's about horrible moves and unsexy grooves, not about effects.
Creativity and the art of ugliness are far more important. The video should be
approx. 40-80 seconds, fine cut or one-take, snapshot camera or HD...everything
is fine, it's your decision.
Who can apply? ?
A: Everyone who is convinced of his/her ugliness and has
reached his/her 18th birthday. We love to exploit our un-fit bodies with strong liquor of all kinds; but unfortunately, if you are too young we can't do that at the event. That's why.
Who picks out the nominees?
A: The Ugly Dance Team of Excellence will select the 9 most hideous teams which will perform
live at the 2nd annual Ugly Dance World Cup October 23, 2010, Club Terrace Hill
in Hamburg, Germany. But there’s a Joker, too: The team who boast the most
clicks on their video between August 15, 2011 and October 5, 2011 receives a
wild card and is automatically nominated as the 10th team in the game.
Q: What are the selection criteria?
A: Outstanding ugliness, creativity, singularity/unseen moves and fun factor. The
Ugly Dance Team of Excellence will select with both know-how and arbitrariness.
If my team is selected to perform live at the event in Hamburg, who pays for
travel and accommodation expenses? ?
A: Unfortunately you have to pay for yourself. The Ugly Dance World Cup is a
non-commercial fun event. All money we earn will be put into the follow up
event 2012. Just make it a holiday; a trip to Hamburg is always worth it. Our
tip: try to find a supporter/sponsor for your team.
What's the prize for the world champion? ?
A: Being 3rd Ugly Dance World Champion is the best benefit, isn't it? You win
respect, honor, a ridiculous trophy and countless groupies. Who doesn’t want to
sleep with an Ugly Dance artist? Additionally there might be some nice
surprises by our sponsors.