Official Ugly Dance Ranking 2010
Oct 25, 2010 in News, Nominees 2010 with 0 Comments
This is the official ranking of the 2nd annual Ugly Dance World Cup
1. Die Dezentiner (World Champions)
2. Inferno Ragazzi
3. Team Schädel
4. Woidboyz
5. Jamp Aachen,Wa!
6. Trendy, Fesch & Hip in Hamburg
7. Chuckelines of Norris
8. Team Remmidemmi
9. Fett-tastic Kidz
10. Jeremy Pascal FuNfF10
Please enjoy a clip of the final round. It was a tough battle!
The Nominees 2010 / Stage Order
Oct 21, 2010 in News, Nominees 2010 with 0 CommentsThe Ugly Dance Team of Excellence happily presents the randomly selected stage order of the nominees 2010. But we are too lazy to write it down, so please check out the photo below to find out.
Ok, we finally found someone to write down the teams. Thanks Barack Obama!
1. Jeremy-Pascal FuNfF10
2. JAMP Aachen, wa!
3. Team Schädel
4. Trendy, fesch und hip in Hamburg
5. Chuckelines of Norris
6. Inferno Ragazzi
7. Team Remmidemmi
8. Woidboyz
9. Fett-tastic Kidz
10. Die Dezentiner
1. Jeremy-Pascal FuNfF10
2. JAMP Aachen, wa!
3. Team Schädel
4. Trendy, fesch und hip in Hamburg
5. Chuckelines of Norris
6. Inferno Ragazzi
7. Team Remmidemmi
8. Woidboyz
9. Fett-tastic Kidz
10. Die Dezentiner
The Nominees 2010 / Jeremy-Pascal FuNfF10 (Germany)
Oct 21, 2010 in News, Nominees 2010 with 0 Comments
What's your team name?
Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
1) x emoboy x 92 -> wears the most ugly boots in the universe
2) Lady-Like-Love-<3 -> is able to hide her own fist in her mouth
3) xtremechiller18 -> when he is dancin women start vibrating
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The Nominees 2010 / Woidboyz (Bavaria)
Oct 21, 2010 in News, Nominees 2010 with 0 Comments
What's your team name?
Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
Basti: man sollte mit seinen Würgreizen nicht geizen
Tom: neben dem Beat hört er das Lied
Uli: Bewegungslegastenie deluxe
Andi: ohne Bauch geht's auch
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The Nominees 2010 / TRENDY FESCH und HIP in Hamburg (Germany)
Oct 21, 2010 in News, Nominees 2010 with 0 Comments
What's your team name?
TRENDY FESCH und HIP in Hamburg
Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
Horst Depp: Breakdance-Spezialist
Maggie Law: aus der Pistole, Profi-Raverin
Claudia Butler: Ehefrau
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