The Nominees 2011 / Eijeansboys
14 October 2011 in News, Nominees 2011 with 0 comments
1. What's your team name?
2. Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
Eifried Boomer - Invented mayonaise, while booming
Siggi Senfei - Likes´em yellow and hard
Hendrik Schleimsack - No special abilities. No really, doesn´t do anything remarkable at all. Smells kinda weird occasionally
Hans Dodderhahn - Worlds fastest one eyed winker, one handed clapper, one winged angel
3. Where are you from?
Ward 13, all but Boomer, he was taking care of our medicine back then
4. Why are you gonna be world champions?
Out of pure ignorance
5. Which song did you choose for your performance?
A breasttaking medley of the 3 best songs we've ever written for UglyDanceWorldCups and Weddings, called Funky Macker, Too naked for you and Die Ei Jeans
6. Which artist primarily influenced you on your long career till becoming a world class ugly dancer?
If Steven Seagal, Melanie from Melanie und die Otten and the Great White Shark had a ridiculously obese baby called Jonathan, she'd be the one
7. How would you describe your style and what's your signature move?
West Indian perverted Slaughterhouse Suicide Boogie, with a touch of Cheerleading. Move = Das Bierauge
8. What have you ever wished to tell us and the world?
We can't make you happy. We can only make you wonder why you came
9. We Say Ugly! You Say... Kartoffelsalat
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