The Nominees 2011 / Ein Euro Shopper
11 October 2011 in News, Nominees 2011 with 0 comments1. What's your team name?
Die Ein Euro Shopper
2. Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
Ugly Goku aka Detläf: our creative head
Travis Jojo : born ugly, tried to change and failed
The CJ: lives an ugly lifestyle!
Ugly Neo aka Hans – Jörgen: likes chicken! And Ugly Dance ;)
3. Where are you from?
Aalen, Germany
4. Why are you gonna be world champions?
Because we can!
5. Which song did you choose for your performance?
Own Reeemix booy ;)
6. Which artist primarily influenced you on your long career till becoming a world class ugly dancer?
Bibi Blocksberg and Bud Spencer. Yes and a little bit Homer Simpson..
7. How would you describe your style and what's your signature move?
Our Style is impressive, mystic and undefined. Each of us has an own ugly sexy signature move which will be shown at the World Cup ;)
8. What have you ever wished to tell us and the world?
Well, at night, if nobody is watching us.. we divide through zero secretly..
9. We Say Ugly! You Say...EURO SHOPPER!
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