The Nominees 2010 / Fett-tastic Kidz (Germany)
19 October 2010 in News, Nominees 2010 with 2 commentsWhat’y your team name?
Fett-tastic Kidz
Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
Steffi alias Dirty Dölchow – has sucked style and rhythm from her mother’s milk. She developed her appearance during the one year ugly dance abstinence: from buffalo-neon queen to the new RUN DMC-style (see last years nominanted interview)... her hobby: dancing on top of the bar when she is drunk has become her favorite activity even when she is sober (you see how Ugly Dance can influence your life)
Anna alias Anna Nass – more than spontaneous – in one second she is dressed like a Joe Public, the next moment she is shaking her booty in such great motion, that everyone is hypnotized by her shining performance...a real star! Her dancing/dressing style has been copied by every reader of women's magazins, which published a story about Ugly Dance – her ass has its own insurance – famous...
Nina alias Mia Hate is fighting through her life by crashing more parties than every one else does – after Ugly Dance 2009 she has never been kicked out of the clubs, because from Hamburg to Buxtehude you know Mia Hate! And you are beware of her – she has extrended her dancing moves in her spare time. And isn’t afraid to battle!
Kerstin alias Kiki Düü – newbie and wild card owner of the team Fett-tastic kidz (has had other commitments last year – damn it!) loves to show her dancing-arts where ever she is – even at client meetings at work – the new Fred Astaire of Ugliness. Her style is clumsy and sportive, be aware not to be shot down by a shoe (bang-bang) when you watch her performance.
Where are you from?
Hamburg is our center of life. Mia is a real „Hamburg Deern“ a real Fischkopp, Dirty has grown up in Goldbek, a city as glorious as the name. Anna comes from Dessau, the city...not the mars crater. And Kikis roots are in East Frisia, exactly from the Jever-area (the beer town, pronounced with a light v)
Why are you gonna be the world champions?
Because we know the business – stage-fright and panic are already mastered – in the last year we’ve got the 7th place, because we wanted it!
Which song did you choose for your performance?
Rappers Delight, Run DMC (my Adidas) and Disco Pogo: A mixture unique in the battle against 90th techno-kiddy music...
Which artist primarily influenced you on your long career till becoming a world class ugly dancer?
Mc Hammer, New Kids on the Block, Bombfunk MCs and Disco Stew…and our beloved parents, who had send us to dancing classes right from the beginning of our lifes.
How would you describe your style and what’s your signature move?
Indescribable – just gorgeous, hilarious, awesome, legen (wait for it) dary.. every single step we do is our signature!!
What have you ever wished to tell us and the world?
It was a lie that Michael Wendler has taken our virgintiy (see last years interview) it was Alexander Markus. PAPAYA...
We say ugly! You say…2,20, n Fahrrad and my bodysuit is pinning!
Forgot to mention our best man... the hero of the digital camera...the one and only Nadinschen... extraordinary filming style and even a voice performance in the clip (find it!) Thank‘s to you mate... see ya....
Ich war auch mal gut im Tanzen.
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