Team "Die Hans Wuerste vom Dorf" (Germany)
Oct 14, 2010 in News, Applications 2010 with 0 CommentsLook what we found in the spam folder: Die Hans Wuerste vom Dorf.
Team "Inferno Ragazzi" (Hollywood)
Oct 14, 2010 in News, Applications 2010 with 0 CommentsThe Inferno Ragazzi clip arrived in dribs and drabs 30 minutes after deadline. Generous as we are we accept the application anyway. The confused guys from didn't find the right cable to download their dance-material. But they filmed the screen of their new-school camera. Creative...and even uglier!
Team "Ministerium für Dumm gelaufen" (Germany)
Oct 13, 2010 in News, Applications 2010 with 0 CommentsFor our non-German speaking friends: Ministerium für Dumm gelaufen means something like Ministry of Shit Happens. Not much more to say.
Team 88.6 (Austria)
Oct 13, 2010 in News, Applications 2010 with 0 CommentsDer Berg ruft! Team 88.6 from Vienna are denying their urban roots while dancing the austrian mountain-tribe-style. Makes sense.
Team "Bad Taste Party" (Germany)
Oct 13, 2010 in News, Applications 2010 with 0 CommentsBerlin avent-garde slams! Team Bad Taste Party presents ugly performance including an incomplete striptease. But honestly guys, better than nothing, right?