ugly dance

The Nominees 2011 / The Ohkakas

12 October 2011 in News, Nominees 2011 with 0 comments

The Ohkakas

1. What's your team name?


2. Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
Melony – bum mum
Luzifer – old hag swag
3. Where are you from?
Straight eingeflogen from the Playboymansion

4. Why are you gonna be world champions?
Cause we ROCK, sometimes very ugly, indeed.

5. Which song did you choose for your performance?
UGLY boomerang from UGLY Blümchen, did we mention ugly?:)

6. Which artist primarily influenced you on your long career till becoming a world class ugly dancer?
A jew called McBoner

7. How would you describe your style and what's your signature move?
We like to interprete the sexualakt des Mannes in a very primarly and natural way..

8. What have you ever wished to tell us and the world?
It doesn’t matter if you dance ugly, as long as you look ugly frrrrreakin hot.

9. We Say Ugly! You Say... DEINE OMA



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