ugly dance

The Nominees 2010 / Inferno Ragazzi (Hollywood)

19 October 2010 in News, Nominees 2010 with 0 comments

What's your team name?

Who are the team members and what are their special personal attributes?
1) Jizz-Janna alias Fat Joe (belly dance living legend)
2) Julz Master Fresh (has the hairiest ass in the world!!!)
3) Flavor Flaaaame (sweaty McSweat)
4) Der Italiener (hat den kleinsten Schwanz von allen, dafür aber den Dünnsten! Das einzig Gute ist, er kommt immer zu früh!)

Where are you from?

Why are you gonna be world champions?
Because we will take it to the next level! its not ugly anmore... itz FUGLY!!!!

Which song did you choose for your performance?
Internet: Dolls United - Blechbüchsen roll
Live performance: most ugliest song mix ever

Which artist primarily influenced you on your long career till becoming a world class ugly dancer?
The band and our big role models: Little Big Men

How would you describe your style and what's your signature move?
It's the inferno in a million! On stage we perform with unvisible objects to make it look even worse.

What have you ever wished to tell us and the world?
One step forward, one step back with a little lance - this is the inferno dance.

We Say Ugly! You Say... MOIN!


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